Zakat Policy

Southgate Mosque Zakat policy

Southgate Mosque will collect Zakat on behalf of the Muslim Community and distribute it to the 8 categories of Zakat recipients as described by Allah in the Qur’an and exemplified by the blessed Prophet of Allah (peace be up on him). All zakat will be distributed within one calendar year of the receipt of zakat.

8 categories of Zakat recipients:

According to Surah Al-Tawbah 9 verse 60 there are eight categories of people who are eligible to receive zakat:

 1. Al-Fuqara (The poor)
Fuqara are the people who live below the poverty line and don’t have enough means to live a normal life like others. They deserve your zakat in order to meet the daily necessities of their lives.

2. Al-Masakin (The needy)
Masakin are extremely poor and needy people. These people don’t have any possessions or income. Your zakat money can help them in improving their living conditions.

3. Zakat collectors
Zakat can be given to the people who are authorised to collect and distribute it among the needy and poor. It includes trustworthy institutions and NGOs who are working to help underprivileged Muslim communities.

4. Who converted to Islam
Those who are newly converted to Islam are eligible to receive zakat (if they are needy). For example, if someone has converted and is detached from their family and friends, you can give your zakat to them so that they can start their new journey.

5. Freeing captives
Slavery is prohibited in many parts of the world but there are still some places where people are trafficked and kept as slaves. Your zakat money can help slaves in freeing themselves and improve their living standards.

6. Debtors
Zakat can be given to pay off debts of someone who cannot repay on his own. However, one must make sure that the money borrowed by a debtor is not used for any un-Islamic or wrong purpose.

7. In the path of Allah
Those who are striving in the path of Allah are entitled to receive your zakat. Your Zakat money can also be used to publish material and literature for da’wah purposes which means creating better awareness of and inviting people to Islam.

8. Wayfarer (Travelers)
Zakat can be given to a traveler who is left alone in a foreign land and is in need of money to get back to his destination or to fulfill his/her objective of traveling. There is a condition that the person should be traveling for a lawful purpose otherwise he/she is not entitled to receive zakat. Refugees are also wayfarers and can be given zakat money as they leave their countries because of wars, violence and oppression in search of a safe and better place.

*Please donate your Zakat money by bank transfer to our Zakat only bank account. *

**Account name – Southgate Mosque
Sort Code: 20 – 76 – 90    
Account number: 03867617
Bank name: Barclays
Ref: Zakat